To Be Selected
Chinda is 16 years old, she studying in 7th grade at Masako Sato School in Putreng village, Dakdam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.
Chinda was born in a poor family with eight members. She has three sister, four brothers, her father and her. She is the sixth child in the family. Her mother has
passed away three years ago because of sickness since then she live with her father. Her father was a farmer he has one hectare of farmland to grow rice. The
product of the rice is about 500 kg of rice per year. It is not enough to support the family need. Besides, her father does the seasonal labor works with his elder
children such as planting cassava, clear the farm area, harvest the pepper and coffee etc… they can earn 20,000 riels in working day but it is not regular income. At her father raise one pig and some chickens. Chinda confirmed that, the above earning could not provide enough to the whole family. Therefore, Chinda have to do part time labor work as well to help the family need and help to do housework after school.
In the future, Chinda wants to be a police-woman because she loves this job and wants to earn a more income for support her family.
Date posted: November 2018