To Be Selected
Chan Sreypov is 14 years old, and in the 8th grade at the Rak Smey Rik Reay junior high school in Bos Village, Rik Reay Commune, Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province.
There are 9 members in her family, two parents, four daughters and three sons. She was born in a big family with 8 siblings. She is the 8th child in the family. Her parents are farmers who own two hectares of farmland to grow rice, producing 2,000 kg of rice per year. However, the family does not sell the rice, but keeps it to feed the family. When the family is done growing rice, they also use the land to grow vegetables. Additionally, the family catches fish in the river to eat.
Sreypov always helps with house work or sometimes she is hired to harvest rice for the people in the village. The family work is very hard and tiresome, and earns little money. They cannot survive on their rice crops. Additionally, her mother is suffering from a serious illness (a lump in her reproduction organ).
In the future she wants to be a police officer because she loves this job and wants to keep the people in her commune safe.
Updated: March, 2018