Chea Bunny

Chea Bunny is 11 years old student in the 5th grade of the Kirivorn School #90, which is located in Kirivorn village, Steung Chhay commune, Kampong Sela district and Preah Sihanouk province.
Chea Bunny lives with her four members in a poor family such as elder grandma, mother, brother and her. Bunny is the second daughter in her family and her father has divorced with her mother to marry a new wife. Her mother is a housemaid who is always hired by her neighbors to wash clothes and sometimes she works as a local construction worker in her village in order to get little income from $4 or $5 per day but it is not the regular income. Bunny confirmed that, her mother could not commonly support her family well, and sometimes her mother asked some money from her aunt to help for supporting the family. Bunny really loves her schooling very much. She always walks to school and she is a smart student in her class, too.
When Bunny grows up, she wants to be a doctor because she thinks that she wants to assist treatment to general patients in the community and her family members when they get ailment as well.
Date posted: April 2018