To Be Selected
Chea Pisey is 15 years old, a student in 9th grade of The House of Joy and Happiness. It is location in Thkeng village, Rohas Commune, Rovieng district and Preah Vihear Province.
Pisey has five members in her family, her parents, one brother and two sisters included her. She is the first child in the family. Her parents are farmers and they have their own small farmland. Although, they have their own farmland but the crop yield are not very good. They could collect only one ton per year. The rice product that they got will keep for eating in the family during a year. Besides growing rice, Pisey’s parents have to grow some vegetables at the farm and harvested them for sale. And the revenue which they have received from selling vegetables was between $200 and $250 a year. However, the amount of the revenue was inadequate to buy food, clothes and school supplies for Pisey’s schooling and her younger siblings.
In the future she wants to be able a Khmer teacher. Because she wants share her knowledge to the children and most importantly, she would like to be able to support her family and give them an opportunity to live a better life.
Updated: August 2018