Duong Sreytou

Duong Sreytou is 14 years old, a student in 8th grade at the Pluk secondary School in in Kat Pluk village, Prekel commune, Kong Pong Speu Province.
There are six members in her family, parents and three sisters, one brothers. She is the third child and her sisters are students. Father’s name is Kim Ngov and he is 35 years old. Her mother’s name is Ouy Mom and she is 33 years old. his father is farmers 600Kg and his mother is factory worker 200$ in a month. Family is so poor They are growing a few vegetables for family. Every day, their families are very hard of living by they are trying to earn money for supported their children. For rice production per year there is not enough . They would like to express gratitude to the organization and sponsors of the scholarship of her daughter, even though it is not sufficiently supportive of the family’s needs, but also reduces her family’s expenses. Sreytou promised to come to school regularly and the money that she received from her donor will keep for buying the school supplies.
Sreytou is a good student in class and sometime, she explain the lesson to her classmates when they are not understand and after school she always help her mother to do housework and look after her brothers.
In the future, Sreytou wants to be a nurse in her village because she thinks that the teachers have been able to support a lot of social work, especially human resources training and she would like to support her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: November 2018