Chet Na Rong

Chet Na Rong is 13 years old and is a student in the 7th grade at The Kozak Ohana School # 285 in Sala Porpel Village, Chey Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province.
Na Rong has four sisters and one brother. Her parents were farmers, before they moved to the Khmer – Thai border with some of her brothers and sisters. They left the village about two years ago, and they didn’t tell Na Rong or leave her with any money for daily life. Now, Na Rong lives with her old grandparents, aunt, uncle and their kids.
Every day, Na Rong goes to bed very late in the evening and wakes up at 4am. She has to help her old grandmother make snacks for selling at the market and school. Her grandfather is an old man who is usually too sick to get out of bed. Her grandmother can make roughly R10, 000 ($2, 5) in a day by selling snacks. When Na Rong has free time, she always does housework, grows vegetables, fishes in the nearby village and takes care of her cows.
Date’s post: February, 2018