Cheurn Sorphea

Cheurn Sorphea is 13 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Vea Kuntrob village, Chuon Songke commune, Kompong Speu province.
She is the youngest in her family and has five siblings in her family: four sisters and one brother.
Her father’s name is Toch Chhom and unfortunately, he passed away.
Her mother’s name is Ou Bann. She is 49 years old and is a farmer. Unfortunately, her mother’s health is not so good and she is always sick.
Sophea’s family has their own farmland that is about a hectare. This land can produce about 800kg to 1000kg of rice per year.
Every day, Sophea helps her mother give water to the vegetables and then commutes to school with her friend’s motorbike. After school, she has to cook for her family.
In her free time, she loves to read books. Her favorite color is orange and she loves to play with dogs.
In the future, she wants to become a teacher at a primary school because she loves to help the people through her teaching.
Updated: Jan. 2020