Chham Srey Chen

Chham Srey Chen is a 13 year-old student in the 5th grade of The Kirivorn School #90, which is located in Kirivorn village, Steung Chhay commune, Kampong Sela district and Preah Sihanouk province.
Srey Chen lives in a big poverty-stricken family with seven members as such as her parents, one brother and four daughters. Srey Chen is the third daughter in her family.
Srey Chen’s father is a guard at farmland of a wealthy man. Her father gets $100 per month. Her mother is a house wife and she raises some hens and one pig at home for selling due to get little benefit to support her family. She could earn about 25$ to 30$ after 4 months’ raising when those animals grew up enough to sell out. Srey Chen is a good daughter after school she frequently helps her mother’s house chore, feed chicken and pig as well.
Srey Chen is an intelligent student in her class and she wants to be an English teacher when she grows up because she loves it and she really wants to give education to students in remote areas.
Date posted: April 2018