Chheav Chan

Chheav Channa is a 10 years old student in grade 4 at the Wahrenbrock Family School, #235, located in Chong Angkar village, Pech Sar commune, Koh Andet district, Takeo province.
There are three members in her family. She has one sister and has no brother. Her parents were divorced since she was 1 year. Her father has a new wife. Nowadays her mother is taking care of her and her sisters. Her mother goes to work in the Phnom Penh city as a cleaner in a restaurant. She sends little money home. Nowadays, Channa lives with aunt and uncle and Channa always help her aunt uncle’s works. She does not go to school regularly because her aunt and uncle asked her to work for money for food and rice.
Date Posted: February, 2018