Chheng Chanthou

Chheng Chanthou is a 14-year girl who was selected into the Girls Be Ambitious Program in 2013. Now, she is in her 5th grade at The Nicholas and Zachary Poor School in Trapaing Chress Village in Ratanakiri Province.
Chanthou is the second child in a poor family of five members. Her parents are poor farmers. The farming does not produce enough rice to cover the needs of this family. For additional income, her parents have to work as day laborers for other villagers but this is not the regular work, so they still do not have enough food to eat. In order to help the family to earn more income, chanthou had to skip classes in order to work on the farm and help her parent.
Chanthou is able to attend her class regularly since she was selected and supported by the GBA program with good study performance.
Updated: April,2015