To Be Selected
Chheng Dis is 16 years old, student in 8th in The Naohiro Nishiya School #423 in Opork Samky Village, Meanreth Commune, Sandann District, Kampong Thom Province.
There are 6 members in her family, Parents, three sisters and one brother. She is the fourth child in her family. Her parents are farmers and had owns farming land for one hectare, which they growing rice, get 1000kg and to support their living. However, the yearly harvest is not cover sufficiently to respond to their needs and support the daily expense of her family. Sometimes, She has to work hard on the rice field as labor in order to get $4.00 in a day to help the family.
In her big goal in the future she wants to be a policewomen, because policewomen is her wish which is also a great work to give a security of her community, anyway she can also relieve some difficulties for her family and ensure better quality of her life.
Updated: April, 2018