To Be Selected
Chheng Koemheng is 16 years old. She is in grade 9 at Donduong Secondary School, and she lives in Trophengchrey village, Balang Commune, Baray District and Kampong Thom Province.
Chheng Koemheng lives with four members in her family with one eldest daughter and their parents, she is the youngest daughter. Her parents are farmers, owning one hectare of farmland. The family is able to collect maybe 14 sacks of rice, which is just enough to provide the family with food for this year. Koemheng’s parents have found other jobs, beside do farm, they work as construction worker in their village and sometime pick up the stones into the trucks for money. They get only 20000riels per day from their work, but it is not every day.
Chheng Koemheng’s parents are very poor. They cannot support money to her the same other students, sometime gets 500riels and sometime gets 1000riels a day for her studies and she always rides her bike to school every day. Koemheng is a good daughter and always a good student in class, after school Koemheng responsible to help her mother with housework and look after everything in her house.
In the future Koemheng wants to be a tour, because she thinks that tour make her to change environment and get a good experience and knew other provinces, and she hope earn enough money to support her family get better.
Date Posted: December 2018