Chheng Nara

Chheng Nara is 13 years old, a student in 7th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School located in Toulsdey village, Toulsdey commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province.
Nara has two siblings and she is the second child in family. Her parents have owned 400 square meters farmland for producing rice. They also raised two buffalos for helping her father in the rice-growing season. Her mother is a worker at a factory; her salary is $200 per month. Beside the fieldwork, her father also raises some animals like chickens and ducks for the food support in their family. The salary that her mother got every month will device into two parts, a part need to pay the debt from the fertilizer shop that they have owed them during the processing rice season, and the rest will go to support the daily family needs and the school supplies for their children. Nara is a good student. She has never absented from her class and she studies very hard.
In the future, she wishes to have a good job to be able to help her family in a better life.
Updated: December 28, 2018