Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

Chhoeun Leappheng

Chhoeun Leappheng is 14 years old, a student in 7th grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Machine Village, Tasal Commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province.

Leappheng has 5 sisters and no brother. She is the second child in the family. Her parents are farmers who own about 1 hectare of farmland for agriculture in the rainy season only. Sometimes her father goes up to the mountain to chop some woods for selling. Her parents can gather around 15 to 20 sacks (50kg/sack) of rice production in a year. Her parents can earn about 4000 riels per day for supporting her family from other extra labor works. In free time, she has to help her mother doing housework, taking care of her younger siblings. She also a good student in the school, she goes to school with 500 riels to 1000 riels from her mother for water.

In the future, she dreams to be a teacher, because she wants to share her knowledge with the next young generation and helping develop the education in her community. Besides, she wants to earn income to support her family and improve her living conditions.

Date posted: February 2020