To Be Selected
Chhoeurs Nhorn is 20 years old, student in grade 12 at The Ascham Community School #281 in Pou Rang village, Senmonorom commune, O Reang district, Mondulkiri Province.
Nhorn has seven siblings, four sisters and three brothers and she is the sixth child in the ethnic family.
Nhorn is staying at the dormitory, a charming and friendly young girl, works and studies hard. She lives with her parents. Nhorn’s family is farmer owns two hectares of farmland where they produced 200 kg of rice per year that is only a part of the whole farmland that they can make because it is not enough labor to help on it. Out of farm work, her parents have to find some other works to do to earn about $40 a month by going to the forest to collect fruits, vegetables and resins to sell in the market. Nhorn receives $10 – $15 per month from her parents to support on her study, school supplies and food at dormitory. Nhorn’s family is the Phnorng minority living in a small wooden house, located in Pou Treng village, Dak Dam commune, O Reang district, Mondulkiri Province.
In the future, she wants to be a policewoman, so she can protect and give justice to her family as well as minority people.
November 2018