To Be Selected
Chhom Bory is a 14-year-old student in the 8th grade at The Savant School, which is located in Taney village, Choam Sangker commune, Phnom Sruoch district, and Kampong Speu province.
Bory has one older brother. Her father’s name is Mr. Chhom Chhen, who is 34-years old, and her mother’s name is Mrs. Soeung Sorkhea, who is 32-years old. Bory’s father is a construction worker, earning 30,000 Riels per day. And her mother works in the garment factory in Phnom Penh, earning in between $200-250 per month.
However, these incomes are still not enough to financially support the family’s needs, such as food, clothes and school supplies. Therefore, Bory sometimes misses school to work as a mango picker and earn small money to support her studies.
Bory expressed her future goal as: “I want to become a teacher of Khmer literature because I want to share this subject to the kids in the next generation.”
Date Posted: February, 2018