To Be Selected
Chhon Chenda was born on July 5th, 2004 in Trakiet village, Cham Pei Commune, Baty District, Takeo province. She is in the 8th grade at Trakiet Secondary school (The Rita Hochhauser School)
Chenda has 6 siblings, 2 brothers and 4 sisters including her, she is a first child in family. Her brothers and sisters are studying in the same school. Her father’s name is Mr. Chhon Vothy, 48 years old and her mother’s name is Aeam Phat, 45 years old, both of them are farmers. Her family owns one hectare of farmland where they can earn up to $250 per year from rice products. Out of growing rice, her father takes his time to run moto-taxi to get more income that one day he can earn about 25,000 riels. Her mother is a housewife, she has to look after her children at home. The total income that they can earn for one year was about $300. However, all that revenues are insufficient to support the family as well as to support their children to school.
Chhon Chenda wants to be a mathematics teacher. She will share her knowledge to the children in her village.
Updated: May, 2018