To Be Selected
Chhun Horsev-er is 14 years old. She was born on 1 January 2006, and she lives in Veall Kundaeng Village, Chhup Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province. She is in grade 8th at The Green Family School II #419, which is located in in Cherng Khal Village, Mungreav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province.
Horsev-er has two siblings (all girls) and she is a first child in the family. She is fatherless since she was childhood, her mother’s name is Mrs. Phum Neyhon, she has 33 years old, horsev-er’s family are farmers. Horsev-er’s family are farmers, but they don’t have own land. This meant is their work in general .As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Horsev-er’s mother commonly has to go on trips to be a slave in factory PP. He has to work in factory at PP. She only gets $170. This means, which even with this additional income, so Horsev-er’s family don’t have enough money to support for Horsev-er’s study every six days and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Horsev-er commonly doesn’t have part-time in every three days, because her family doesn’t have enough to support for her study. Even the morning learning day.
Horsev-er’s goals want to be a good doctor. She wants to cure all the people in her location; she thinks that in her location is nearby her home.
Date Posted: November 2018