Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Chhun Horsev-er is 14 years old. She was born on 1 January 2006, and she lives in Veall Kundaeng Village, Chhup Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province. She is in grade 8th at The Green Family School II #419, which is located in in Cherng Khal Village, Mungreav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province.

Horsev-er has two siblings (all girls) and she is a first child in the family. She is fatherless since she was childhood, her mother’s name is Mrs. Phum Neyhon, she has 33 years old, horsev-er’s family are farmers. Horsev-er’s family are farmers, but they don’t have own land. This meant is their work in general .As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Horsev-er’s mother commonly has to go on trips to be a slave in factory PP. He has to work in factory at PP. She only gets $170. This means, which even with this additional income, so Horsev-er’s family don’t have enough money to support for Horsev-er’s study every six days and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Horsev-er commonly doesn’t have part-time in every three days, because her family doesn’t have enough to support for her study. Even the morning learning day.

Horsev-er’s goals want to be a good doctor. She wants to cure all the people in her location; she thinks that in her location is nearby her home.

Date Posted: November 2018