Chhun Sreypich

Chhun Sreypich is 13 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
There are 7 members in her family, parents, four brothers and two sisters including her. She is the sixth child in her family. Her 2 brother go to work at Thailand border as a construction workers and gets 7$ per day and they send to 100$ to their parents every moth for support their sibling school supplies. And her youngest brother is stay at home with her parents. Her order sister is studying at grade 7 near her school too. Her father’s name is Chey Chom, 49 years old, and he is a mango gatherer and he can earn 20,000 riels a day during season. Her mother’s name is Vet Rim, 58 years old and she is a mango gatherer, she earns 20,000 riels as same as her father. They don’t have farmland and their income is not enough for support their family living.
Sreypich is a good student in class and always get a high scor in class and after school she always help her mother do to housework and look after her sibling.
In future, Sreypich wants to be an English teacher. She will teach the people in the community to know some English.
Updated: May, 2018