Ouch Chanthy

Chanthy is13 years old, and she is in grade 7 at #347 The Doris Dillon School in Phnom Toch village, Sdach Kong Khang Tboung Commune, Banteay Meas District, Kampot province.
Chanthy has 3 siblings and she is the second child in the family. Her father’ name Mr. Mok Sam Oeun and her mother’s name Mrs. Chen Chanthou, both of them are farmers. The family owns one and haft hectare of farm land; they can earn up $ 500 a year in rice production. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Chanthy’s father commonly has to work out side. Her father’ has to carry the rice sack for others. One day they can earn 15000Reils. This means, that even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Chanthy commonly has to miss school to stay home and help to care for her siblings or cooking for her family.
Chanthy’ goal wanted to be a teacher in her community. She wants to teach all kids in her location. Also, she wants to build girl up and explain them to be strong as a man. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family.
Date posted: February 1, 2021