To Be Selected
Choeurn Eina is 14 years old, student in 7th grade at Angk Daun Pis Village Learning Center (#550), located in Angk Daun Pis Village, Toeuk La-ak Commune, Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province.
Eina has one sister and she is the second child in the family. Her father name: Chea Chenda, 41 years old, her mother name: Oum Somoeun, 36 years old, they both are farmers. They have 3,000 m2 of farmland where they can produce rice around 500 – 800 kg per year. All the rice they can gather is preserve to use for the family during a year. Out of farm work, her father tries to go into the deep forest to find bee honey. If lucky, he can get about 3 – 4 liters of honey and can sell $15 per liter but actually it is not easy to find the bee net.
Every day, Eina rides her bicycle to school about 4 km round-trip. She is a smart student in class, and tries to study very hard. After school, she comes back home to help her parents housework, and if she has free time she likes to read books and prepare her next day lesson.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher to teach the students in rural area, she hopes that she will become a part of human resources developer for the new generation for her country and helps her mother to live in better life.
Posted, November 2018