To Be Selected
Choun Sreymao is 16 years old. She is a student in Grade 10 at the Naohiro Nishiya School in O’Pork Samky village, Mean Reth commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom Province.
Sreymao lives in a small house with her parents. She has one sister and two brothers. Her parents are farmers. They are poor family. They work hard in a farm with one hectare of land for subsistence, what can produce the rice about one to two tons in per year and they are not selling, just keep eat for daily eating. For additional income the family always hired to clear pastures for planation at the farm can earn about 20000 riels (5$) in a day.
When Sreymao was younger she had cut on her leg that became severely infected. As the hospital was too far, she never got the proper treatment, and she ended up having to amputate her leg. Sreymao is now legally handicapped. However, she still attends school and she is hard-work student and she like to work in group she good at English she loves English.
When she grows up, she wants to be English teacher because she wants to help her family and her brother to live in a better life and helps the children in her community to know the English and can use the English language, especially she would like to support and ensure a quality of her life.
Updated: April, 2018