Chranh Dob

Chranh Dob is 11 years old, a student in 3rd grade at The Ascham School community, in Poutaing village, Romney commune, Senmonorom district, Mondulkiri province.
Chranh Dob is the seventh child in the family, with two brothers and seven sisters. Her father and mother are farmers. They do not own any farmland, so every day they have to go to hunt for labor work in villages. If they can get the job, they will earn about 60,000 riel per day. Her family is very poor and the situation very difficult because they are living day by day. In some days that their parents cannot get the work mean that, they will eat the rice with chili pepper salt. Dob is a good student and always works hard in class, and when she is home, she continues her hard works, helping her parents all the housework.
Whatever, her hopes is far as the sky side view, she still wants to be a doctor if possible, so that she can help people in the village. In addition, she wants to find better income to support her family in a good life.
Updated: June 2018