Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Chrey Dy is 12 years old and she is a student in 6th grade at The Chres School in Kampot Province, Kampong Trach District, Boeng Sala khang Tbong Commune, Phum Chres Village.

There are seven members in her family such as father, four sisters and two brothers. Dy is second child in her member. Her family is poor and her father’s not home, because he’s gone to work at Kampong Som since she’s six years. For his work, he is a construction worker that he could get salary 150$ in per month. For her mother is a farmer and housework. Her parents have owned half hectare, which can produce between 1,500kg to 2,000 kg of rice a year. After harvesting rice her mother sold out for 500kg and got 200$ to support a whole family in per year. However, that income was still not enough to afford to buy school supplies for Dy’s study and for their daily consumption in a whole year. Therefore, besides the growing rice her mother had to seek another job to work as a maker baskets of bamboo at home and one day her mother could make 2 baskets(1 basket equal 2$) in order to patch up on food and for Dy’s study. During the schooling, Dy has an old bike and she always rode it to school every Monday to Saturday, but about her bike wasn’t easy to ride, because her bike has broken some parts and she didn’t have money for repair it. After school, she always did housework with her mother because her father has worked far from home and he four to five months just travelled home one time. Her father’s not free time for spend with his family and take care his children.

Chrey Dy wanted to be a teacher of English when she grows up, because she thought that it’s so importance language in the world and could easy to find the work anywhere. Moreover, she so likes it and wants to know it, also. When she’ll success her brain about it, she’ll have taught all the children in the rural villages and around the world to in order to get them high educated to become center-row of the nation and also progress the nation towards perfect human resource with second mother tongue language. Furthermore, in the future, she wanted to earn money to support her family to meet with appropriate living condition.