Dany Sreynoch

Dany Sreynoch is 12 years old student in 4th grade at The Ascham School, located in Putang village, Romnear commune, Senmonorom district, and Mondulkiri province.
She is the sixth child in the family. Her parents are farmers. Her parents have two hectares of farmland for growing rice, cashew, and raising chicken and two pigs.
Her parents have gathered about two tons of rice per year but the earning from rice could not afford the family for a whole year, as her parents have to sell some rice to pay back to the fertilizers vendor.
Moreover, her parents got a low price of selling rice so it was inadequate income to afford the needs such as clothes, uniforms, and school supplies, etc… Whereas she promised that if she will be supported for $10 every month she will try to study hard and she will use that money to patch up for her study.
In the future, she wants to be a Khmer Literature teacher. She wants to share her knowledge and teach the children in her commune about Khmer letters and Khmer histories. Most importantly, she would like to be able to support her family and give them an opportunity to live in a better life.
Date Posted: November 1st, 2020