To Be Selected
Dong Sok Reang is 18 years old. She studies in Grade 11 at The Naohiro Nishiya School #423 in O’Pok samky village, Mean Reth Commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province. Nowadays she lives in SamOueng village, Mean Reth commune, Sandan district Kampong Province.
There are 4 members in her family with 3 sisters and her parents. She is the first child in her family. Her family is poor and they have one hector of farmland which can produce about 1000 kg of rice a year. After the rice season her parents go to forest for hunting etc…, they can earn about 5000 Riels ($1.25) a day. Sok Reang did not go to school regularly because her house is far away from school, lack of transportation, and doesn’t afford for her education.
In the future she wants to be an accountant because she wants to work in big companies and earn money to help her family, and save some money to open her own business to make her life better.
Date Posted: April 2018