To Be Selected
Dot Pisey was born on December 12, 2004 in Mkak village, Cham Pei Commune, Baty District, Takeo province. She is in the 8th grade at Trakiet Secondary school (The Rita Hochhauser School).
Pisey has 2 siblings (2 girls) and she is the first child in family. Her sister is studying the 6th grade in the same school. Her father’s name is Mr. Duth Sang, 34 years old and her mother’s name is Phang Kunry, 32 years old, both of them are farmers. Her family owns one hectare of farmland where they can earn about $250 per year from rice products. Beside growing rice, he has to find extra job to do such as a construction worker nearby his village there he can earn 25,000 riels per day. Her mother is a housewife, she is at home and does a lot of housework. Not all of the income are enough to support the whole family, so it is very difficult for them to support their children to school.
Dot Pisey wants to be an accountant at a company or an organization; she hopes this job could afford more income to support her family in a better living.
Updated: May, 2018