To Be Selected
Dy Den is 15 years old, and she is in grade 8th at The ASIJ School in Chup Krom village, Svay Leu commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap province.
Den is the second child in the family, with one older brother and two younger sisters. Her mother name is Cheng Roun and her father name is Yean Leangdy and he is 66 years old. Unfortunately her mother had gone and left her, her siblings and father living sadly. Her father is a farmer. Presently, they have owned 50 square meters of farmland for producing rice but it was inadequate to support the family. The rice can produce 1000kgs of rice in per year. After the rice collection her family has sold 5000kg of rice, get $100 to pay back to shop owner for the fertilizers and keep some money to support for the daily expenses. After finish from growing rice, her father has had to find the work as the construction worker and got $5 of income in per day in order to support the family’s needs.
She is a good student and after school she helps her family to do housework and in her free time, she likes to read the books and review the lessons from school and take care of her younger sisters.
She wants to be a Teacher when she grows up. She wants to help all the kids in her village because all the children in her village always drop out from the school because the school is so far from their house. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family.
Updated: April, 2018