Hav Kimhong

Hav Kimhong is 13 years old and she is going into the 7th grade in 2020. She lives in Kbal Turk village, Phnom Srouch commune, Kompong Speu province.
She is the fourth child in her family and has ten siblings: six brothers and four sisters.
Her father’s name is Hav Chantha. He is 65 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Mon Kung. She is 52 years old and is a farmer.
They do not have their own farmland. Her parents work on other people’s farmland and can produce about 800kg to 1000kg of rice per year. Sometimes her father goes to Thailand to find another job there too.
Kimhong lives with her grandmother. Unfortunately, her grandmother’s health is not so good. Kimhong bikes 1km from her house to school. She said that she might not be able to finish high school because of her situation with her family, but she does not want to stop or give up and wishes to finish all the way.
Every day she helps her grandma clean the house, look after her little niece, and takes care of the cows. She loves to study and she likes the color yellow. Her favorite animal is the parrot.
In the future, she wants to become a Khmer teacher because she wants to help other people and support her family.
Updated: Jan. 2020