To Be Selected
Hearn Sreyvin 12 years old, and is in grade 7th at The Janie’s School #524 in Snam Preah Village, Snam Preah Commune, Bakan District, Pursat Province.
Hearn Sreyvin has three sisters, she is the third child in the family. Her father’s name is Heng Vuthy and he is 40 years old. He is a worker in a construction site, and in rainy season and he is a farmer for his rice field. Her mother’s name is Eng Vanny and she is 38 years old. She is a housewife and also a farmer. Now there are five members in her family and two of her three sisters are still students. Her oldest sister is studying in grade 10 and second sister is studying in grade 8. So the whole family has to spend a lot of money for their daily needs. Her family has one hectare of farmland that can produce rice about 18 to 19 bag per year. Some of the rice, they keep for eating and some they sell to the market and get 225$ for support their whole family expense. The harvest that they get per year can’t enough to feed the whole family in daily needs, so that why her father decided to find other job as a worker in any construction sites around the villages or far away from her house. He can earn about $5 in a day from this work. At home, Sreyvin don’t have much free time. So she have to use all her spare time to do all kind of works that her mother provided her to do such as grow some vegetable, raise some chicken, taking care of cows…etc. Now she is also a good student who got good result with her studying. Her favorite subjects are Khmer literature and English language.
In the future, she wants to be a secondary school teacher because she wants to see the children can read and write their own language that is very important before they learn English as second language of the world. Right now, there are a lot of children in her school and village can’t read Khmer and English languages very well. So it is really upset when she sees the real situation like these. And the main purpose is that she wants to see the people in her village have a better future.
Date posted: November 2018