Heng Theara

Heng Theara is 12 years old and she is a student in grade at #557 Grace, Hope, Beloved school, which is located in Boeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
Theara was born in Boeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province. She has gotten five siblings, two brothers and three sisters and she is a first child in her family. Her house is near the school about 300m. She goes to school by walking. Her parents are famers and they have only 0.5 hectare to build a house and growing rice. Her mother told that she can 250kg of rice per year and they are not sale because they keep for daily eating in a whole year. After the rice season, her mother goes to work as a fruit picker and get 3.50$ in per day to used for daily expense such as clothes, medicine, food, school supplies and other expenses. Her father was died during her sister was six months. Even her mother can earn income but it still cannot support her family because her mother so poor.
Theara is a good student in class and when she has free time she helps to explain the lesion to her classmates and after school she helps her mother to do house work and look after her sibling.
In her future, she wants to be a teacher at primary school because she loves studying and love teaching. Anyways, she would like to earn much money to support her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: May 2019