To Be Selected
Heurn Sreynearng is 12 years old, and is in grade 5 at The Janie’s School #524 in Snam Preah Village, Snam Preah Commune, Bakan District, Pursat Province.
Heurn Sreynearng has two brothers and three sisters. She is sixth daughter in the family. Most of her brothers and sister got married and live far away from her. Her father’s name is Pok Heurn and he is 61 years old. He is a retired farmer. Her mother’s name is Sum Nor and she is 53 years old. She is also a farmer. Now there are three members in her family. Her parents don’t have other works to get more income for the family. So her family is depending on their farmland and supporting a little money that given by their sons and daughters. Her family has half hectare of farmland that can make rice about 10 bags and they are keeping for daily eating.
Sreynearng is studies very hard and hard working daughter. She is an outstanding student in English and Khmer classes. She usually gets high score in all kinds of tests that her teachers provided. At home she has to responsible and do kinds of work to replace her parents who getting old and getting weak everyday. She has to taking care two cows, feed the chicken, cooking meals, take care and grow some plants for family’s daily foods. At night she used most of her free time for self-learning.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor because she want to cruel the patients in her village and especially her whole family and she would like to support her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: July 2018