Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Thona is 15 years old, student in seventh grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Mashin village, Tasal commune, O’ral district, Kampong Speu province.

Thona has 3 sisters and 3 brothers and she is the sixth child in the family. She lives with her widow mother who own farmland about 2,500 m2 for producing rice. Her father died since she was 1 year old.  According to her mother cultivation, the rice production that her mother can gather around 20 to 25 sacks that one sack about 50 kg following by good or bad season. She has a brother irregular run a motor-taxi. They also raised some chicken and they can sell in each 3 months of time for some income. Her mother can earn about 4,500 to 5,000 riels per day for support her family.

In free time, Thona likes reading book, does housework, homework and help her mother at the farmland. During school day, she has 500 riels to 1,000 riels for school, because of situation of the family that make her present at school not regular.

In the future, she wants to be a painter because she likes arts. She thinks that her career is beautiful and attractive. And through this job, she can earn money to support her family.


November 2018