Hon Somothea

Hon Somothea is 13 years old, a student in 8th grade at The House of Joy and Happiness School in Thkeng village, Rohas commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province.
Hon Somothea has two brothers and she is the first child in the family. Her parents are farmer and they raise 2 cows and 6 hens in their home. Her family works at the rice field to produce the rice to support their living and sell a part of rice for money to buy necessary things to support family. They got the rice product about 1.5 tons per year. If they sell all they will gain $300 a year. However, they cannot sell all because they have to keep it some for daily meal. Because it is a small package of money they hold, so it absolutely not enough to support their children studying well like other students. Out of school time, she has to hurry come back home to help the housework to help her parents and prepare the food. She walks to school and run back every day, but she is happy to struggling to reach her goal.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher, because she would like be able share her knowledge and teach young generation children and moreover, she wants become the best model teacher for the younger generation.
Updated: August 2018