To Be Selected
Jeal Bak is 18 years old, a student in 10th grade; she is a Phnong ethnic girl who entered the Girls Be Ambitious program in 2010. At that time, she enrolled the 3rd grade at the Ascham School in Poutaing village in Mondulkiri province.
There are 9 members in her family, the parents, two brothers, five sisters.
Jeal Bak is the third child in the family. She lives at dormitory near high school because from her house to high school is far away. She goes back home on weekend. Her father works at the farm by earning 30,000 riels per day. Her mother earns $200 a month by working in cashew and vegetable farm. Bak is a good student and always works hard in class, and when she is at home, she has to do many hard works, helping her father, brothers and sisters in farm and in house.
In the future, Jeal Bak wants to be a teacher, she hopes to have salary to help supporting her family, and provide a better life for them. Additionally, she wants to teach the kids in her village and show them how to lead a good life.
Updated: June 2018