To Be Selected
Kan Chhaiya is 14-years-old, grade 8 at The Kimino Yume Mezaseba Kanau School in Romduol village,Varin commune, Varin District, Siem Reap province, Cambodia.
Chhiya is the eldest of two sisters and a brother. Chhaiya’s parents are rice farmers, and as a result, her family is very poor. Chhaiya is responsible for helping her parents in the rice field and with house chores. Her parents can earn $25 per month. Chhaiya is very friendly, and she like to help people in her village. Her parents are the farmer; they did not want their children to stop study.
Chhaiya believes that only education can change her life, and she wants to be a teacher and counsellor in her village.
Updated: May, 2018