To Be Selected
Kea Layhornn is 15 years old. She is a student in Grade 9 at The Naohiro Nisiya School in O’pork Samky Village, Meanreth Commune, Sandan District,Kampong Thom Province.
Layhornn was born on 17 July 2003. She has one brother and one sister. She lives in a small house with her family. Her Father’s name is Khean kong, and mother’s name is Ouk Him. They are farmers. Their profit is $300-$385 a year from farming. They have a half-hectare of farmland. Their rice yield is 1000 kg in per year because they can grow rice only once a year due to limitation of water sources. For additional income the family always hired to clear pastures for planation at the farm can earn about 20000 riels in a day, but it is not a regularly income. However, her family tried to work hard every day but it still did not cover their needs. In 2015 her parents borrowed money from the bank to work a farm, unintentional and not enough ability to repayment, for that situation force her parents go to work as a workers in Thailand.
Nowadays her parents work in Thailand as a worker. So now she lives with her relatives, sister and her brother.
For her future goal, Layhornn wants to be an accountant, because she want to work in the company and, than have an occasion to get some work experience and save some money to helps her family and start her own business to make her life is better than now.
Updated: April, 2018