To Be Selected
Keon Kin is 15 years old and is in the ninth grade. She lives in Sala village, Choum Songke commune, Kampong Speu province. She is the youngest in the family and has four sisters.
Her father’s name is Chob Kin. He is 53 years old and is a police officer. Unfortunately, he divorced Kin’s mother and never provides for the family.
Her mother’s name is Dol Phan. She is 49 years old, a farmer, and sells snacks and juice. Her family has their own farmland that is about a hectare and a half. They use this land to produce about 1,200kg to 1,500kg of rice per year. With all of these jobs, her mother can earn $150 a month.
Every day, Kin helps her mom do the housework, looks after her sister and goes to school. In her free time, she likes to clean the house and cook. She loves the color red and her favorite animal is a cat.
In the future, she wants to continue to study until she finishes university and wants to become a computer teacher because she loves the subject.
Updated: Jan. 2020