To Be Selected
Kha Veasna is a 14 years old student in 9th grade at The IROHA School #470, which is located in O Svay village, O Svay commune, Thalaborivath district, and Stung Treng province.
Veasna has gotten only two siblings including her. She is the second born in the family. They have owned a small farmland to produce rice every year but they benefited only 300kgs of the rice’s fruition owing to the tiny farmland.
Veasna said that her parents hadn’t sold the rice out after the harvesting because they had just kept the rice for only daily consumptions. Anyhow, for 300kgs of rice couldn’t cover sufficiently for a whole year of their daily consumptions. Hence, her parents have had varied obligation to grow vegetables for selling and earned a tiny income for purchasing her items as such as clothes, school supplies and school uniforms. Sometimes, she was asked for a few days’ permission from school in order to take vegetables to sell at the village’s bazaar.
For her future goal, she wishes to become a specialized teacher of mathematics and biology because she prefers to teach these subjects to the kids of a next generation.
Updated: April, 2018