To Be Selected
Khat Sothy is 15 years old, and she is studying in grade 8A at The ASIJ School in Chup Krom village, Svay Leu commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap province.
Sothy was born in a poor family with nine members in her family as such as her parents, her three older sisters, two older brothers and her younger brother. She is a sixth in the family. Her parents are farmers. Her father name is Cheav Chanly and he is 43 years old and her mother name is Yearn Moub and she is 46 years old. They are farmers. Her parents have their own farmland for 1.50 hectare for growing rice. The rice can produce 1500kg in per year and they are selling rice for 750kg and get $187.50 to pay back to shop owner for the fertilizers and keep some money for support the family needs for a whole year.
She is a good student and she always help to explain the other friends when they don’t understand. After finish from school, she goes home to help her parents to do house work.
She wants to be a bank employee when she grows up because the bank is very standard and give the staffs for many benefits and get the salary to support her family. Moreover she wants to help her brother to finish university and get a good job.
Updated: April, 2018