Khel Soeur

Khel Soeur is a 12-year-old student in 4th grade “A” at Grace, Hope, Beloved school, which is located in Boeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
Khel Soeur was born in a poverty-stricken family with five members such as mother, father, an 83 year-old grandmother, old brother and her. Soeur described that, her parents haven’t owned any farmland for transplanting rice and recently, her parents have earned a living by doing odd jobs.
Unfortunately, her parents haven’t been living home with children because they have employed and moved to live with a businessman’s family who produce many kinds of ice-creams to sell in the Kampong Cham downtown. Soeur narrated that, her parents have sent home for $15 every week to pay for their daily food. Probably, one or two months her parents returned home at once because they had to bring little income and some used clothes for children and old grandmother, she said.
Howsoever the income which her parents have earned from job wasn’t affordable for the stuffs needed such as Soeur’s uniforms, her older brother’s uniforms and their school supplies etc. Therefore, she took sometimes on holidays to help the villagers collecting rice from the rice fields and earned from $2.50 to $5 in a day.
For Khel Soeur’s future goal, she wishes to be a teacher at Grace, Hope, Beloved school because she loves teaching and supporting educations to the kids of the next generation. Anyway, her parents love the teacher’s job very much, though.
Date posted: June 2018