To Be Selected
Kheng Solin is a nine years old student in the 4th grade at the David and Deborah Roberts School, which is located in Taream village, Tbaeng commune, Kampong Svay district, and Kampong Thom province. Solin has two siblings, younger sister and her. She is the first child in her family. Her father’s name is Kheng Khuoch, thirty-four years old. Her mother’s name is Chea Sarim, forty-four years old, they are farmers. They have owned a small farmland of 25 x 100 meters. They can grow rice two times a year. In the first season they can get the yield of about 500-600 kilograms and on the second season they can get about 400-450 kilograms because it will grow in the dry season and the yield did to give a good result as raining season. The rice product that they got they sell a part of
it to pay back for the fertilizers, plowman fee and the rest they keep for eating during the year. But they haven’t received much income to solve their family’s needs. So her mother usually sells Jelly at school and sometimes she sells at the Pagoda when they have the tradition ceremony at night. Her father also does the extra job as a pesticide controller for the villagers’ farm. Anyway, the incomes from all their hard work are not enough to fulfil the need of the family and also for the school materiel of their children. Solin is going to school by walk, but she always try to keep her school on time and never miss class. After school, Solin always helps her parents to do housework and other things that she can help.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher at the primary school.
Date posted: November 2018