Kheoun Thavy

Kheoun Thavy is 11 years-old, grade 4 at Vasaskolan School located in Angbakseyvillage, CheangToung commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province.
Thavy has 5 siblings, three sisters and two brothers. She is the fourth child in the family. There are 7 members in her family, her parents, three sisters, two brothers. Her father’s name: Khout Soun, 46 years old, is a farmer. Her mother’s name: Sey Nim, 48 years old, is a farmer. They own the 24 Acres of land that they can gather 9 sacks of rice product per season. Their income is 25$ per month from selling chicken and pigs. She always cooks and carries water after school. She likes reading and plays with neighbor’s children.
In the future, she wants to be a Khmer literature teacher in primary school because she wants to share her knowledge to students. She thinks that she will be the role model for children and motivate, encourage them to participate in class. She said she would help her poor family to be better.
Date posted: May, 2018