Kheun Sreydav

Kheun Sreydav is 14 years old and is a student in grade 7 at The Ang Daun Pis Village Learning Center #550, located in Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province, donated by the students of the Australian International School Singapore.
There are four members in the family. Sreydav has two sisters, and she is the youngest child in the family. Her father’s name is Kheun Song, 40 years old. He leaves the family when she was 8 years old. Her mother’s name is Seth Seng, 35 years old. She is a factory worker, earning $200 per month. The family is poor and owns a hectare of farmland for growing rice which can produce about 2500 kg of rice per year. Her mother is able to sell some of the rice, earning 1,200,000 riels per year, these amounts used for supporting fertilizer, transplant, and their child’s studying, and the rest of the rice used as food for the family. Sreydav is a good student and always works hard in class, and when she is home, she continues her hard work, helping her mother around the house.
In the future, she wants to become an English Teacher because she loves the English language and she wants to teach the students in her village the importance of the language. Additionally, she wants to help her sisters and her mother lead a better and more comfortable life.
Date posted: April 1, 2021