To Be Selected
Khon Hang is 15 years old and she was born in Choum Svay village, Meanrith commune, Sandann district, Kampong Thom province. She is in grade 7th at The Naohiro Nishiya School#423, which is located in Opork Samky village, Meanreth commune, Sandann district, Kampong Thom province.
Khon Hang has 4 siblings and she is the second child in the family. Her father’s name is Mr. Vann Phain and her mother’s name is Mrs. Tit Sai, both of them are farmers. The family owns one hectare of farmland that they growing rice. The rice is producing from1000kg to 1200kg it depend on the season and they are selling some rice, get 358$ and keep some for daily eating. This is not enough to support the family daily expense, so Hang’s parents also grow various vegetables such as sweet potato and cassava to selling out for earn more income. However, get more profit from the vegetables, Hang’s parents still do not have enough money to support their children’s needs (clothes, school uniforms and school supplies). Additionally, Hang sometimes has to miss school to helps her parents grow the rice and vegetables.
In the future she wants to become a bank employee because she thinks the bank is very standard and give the some many benefits and she can have occasion to get some work experience and save some money to help her family to live in a better life.
Updated: April, 2018