To Be Selected
Khon Sreypin is 15 years old, student in 9th grade at Angk Daun Pis Village Learning Center (#550), located in Angk Daun Pis Village, Toeuk La-ak Commune, Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province.
There are 4 members in her family, her parents, elder sister and she is the second child in the family. Her father name: Horm Khem, 42 years old, a disable man since 7 years ago by dropping from the high construction, her mother name: Norn Sokha, 42 years old, a factory worker. They have no farmland and her mother is the only person who can generate income salary of $200 per month to support the whole family included the school supplies for the children too. The income is not enough to support the daily need of the family, they also raised some chicken for food and sometime they can sell some of them to get money for the family.
After school, Sreypin has to hurry come back home to help her father housework, and many other things in house because her mother is working full time in factory. At home out of housework, Sreypin likes to read books, self-learning, and does all her homework from school.
Every day, she has to ride her bicycle 6 km round-trip to school. She has a regular attend at school and she is a smart and hard study student.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher to teach the students in rural area, she hopes that she will become a part of human resources developer for the new generation for her country and her family.
Date posted: November 2018