Khorn Sreyoun

Khorn Sreyoun is a 10-year-old student in grade at Grace, Hope, Beloved School, which is located in Boeng Veng village, Tang Krasang commune, Batheay district, and Kampong Cham province.
Sreyoun born in Phnom Vihear, Tang Krasang Commune, Batheay district, and Kampong Cham Province. Her house is located far from the school about 1.8 k.m. They have only about 0.4 hectare to build a house and they do not any own any farmland to grow rice; her house is near Phnom Vihear mountain. Sreyoun is the second child in the family, with an older brother and a baby sister. Her mother works at a factory in Phnom Penh, earning a salary of $ 170 a month, and her father is staying at the house to take care of his children. Her father was feed some chickens and some ducks for food and sell for their living. Her mother gave money $70 a month to support her family. Her father said that he feed these animals for 5-6 months; it was for a long to sell at the village. All money from selling these animals for my children like food, clothes. However, it was not enough for supports members in a family. Another thing is her grandmother has gotten sick of her knees. All money from Sreyoun’s parents earns only support food, ride, and some medicine.
Sreyoun is a good student. She works hard in a class, and when she is not studying, she is helping her sister’s cooking and take care of her grandmother got sick.
For Sreyoun future goal, she has a dream that she wants to be a teacher at Boeng Veng primary school, and have own business like a makeup to earn a lot of money to support her family, because she saw her parents not have money to pay a medicine for their grandmother’s sick.