To Be Selected
Raksmey is 12 years old, and in 5th grade at The Shintoshin Rotary and Speros (Hawaii) School #2, which is located in Pal Hal village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
There are 4 members in her family, her parents and one younger brother. She is the first child in her family. Her parents are farmers who own half a hectare of farmland to grow rice, producing 1,000 kg of rice per year. Her family has a rice paddy field that is far away from home. When planting or harvesting season arrives, the family has to leave home for about 20 days in order to work on the farm. At this time Raksmey stays at home with her grandmother. They work hard, but the rice crop they collect is not enough to live on. They live from hand to mouth. Her father borrowed $2,000 from the bank to buy good wood and hired a carpenter to make some furniture. He sells the furniture to get extra money to support his family.
Raksmey is a good student and daughter, she works hard in school and at home. After school she helps her mother with housework, takes care her a little brother, looks after two pigs and reads books. Sometimes she wants to earn money to help her parents, but her parents did not allow her to work at the neighbor’s farm because she is still small.
In the future she wants to be a teacher because she loves this job and wants to share her knowledge with the kids and make money for her family. Besides this job she wants to sell something at home and feed some pets for sale to improve their living conditions.
Date posted: November 1, 2018