Kim Phyn

Kim Phyn is a 12-year-old student in 6th grade at Grace, Hope, Beloved school, which is located in Boeng Veng Village, Tangkrsamng commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham Province.
There are five members in the Phyn’s family; parents, older sister, younger brother and her. Her parents are farmers who own 1.5 hectare of farmland for growing rice. She expressed that her farmland’s area isn’t good for her parents to produce rice because it resided at low area and every year her parents’ seedling is always immersed in water during the rainy season. So the yield of rice that her parents gathered yearly was only 850kg.
Phyn continued that because of parents couldn’t produce more rice so her father has taken time besides doing farming and to be a palm tree’s climber in order to filter the palm juice from the top of the palm tree in order to make sugar palm to sell. She confirmed related to the sugar palm’s producing, after the palm juice was already collected from the palm trees then her parents took two weeks more to completely boil and stirred the palm juice to be sticky and then they took it to sell at some places nearby her village. She stated that one kilogram of sugar palm is $1.25 and they received for $25 of income from selling sugar palm.
However, this income still wasn’t patched up the family’s needs so well. So that in a last choice, her mother who is responsible for the housewife, decided to apply as a worker at manufactory in Batheay district due to get salary of $170 to manage the family’s needs.
Kim Phyn expressed that in her future goal, she wants to become a worker of a bank because she prefers to work in the bank so that my siblings and parents will be proud of that work.
Date posted: June 2018