To Be Selected
Ko La is 17 years old, and is in grade 8th at The ASIJ School in Chup Krom village, Svay Leu commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap province.
She has gotten eight siblings and she is the third child in the poor family. Her father name is Plou Kok and he is 52 years old and he is a farmer. Her mother has passed away.
This family hasn’t had big farmland to produce rice. Presently, they have own farmland for 30meters’ width and 50 meters’ length for the rice transplantation but it wasn’t enough to afford the family. The rice can produce 10 bags of rice per year and they are not selling, just keep for their daily eating in a whole year. Moreover her father works as a construction workers and get 7$ in per day for support his family daily expenses. This income is not enough for cover of every expense.
She try to study hard and she got a good number in class. She always helps to explain other friends when they don’t understand about the lesson and after school she like to reading the books. Moreover in the weekend she goes to work as a manger picker to earn more income to support her family.
She wants to be a government staff at ministry of foreign affair because she wants to help our country to have a good communication with international partner and she wants to have a change to work in other county and show them about the Cambodia staff. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family.
Updated: April, 2018